Gold Least Killifish is a barb species that is ideal for small aquariums, particularly those with planted substrates. In spite of its rarity and high price tag for a breeding colony, the Gold Least Killifish is still a good choice when seeking to add some fish to your tank. Here are all the facts and information you need to know about this amazing fish so that you may better care for them.

Gold Least Killifish are beautiful yellow-gold freshwater fish that may be found in rivers and lakes.
It’s a Chinese barb that’s a shade of olive green. This creature is popular in many nations throughout the globe.
In addition to being visually appealing, they’re also a lot of fun. Additionally, they are excellent alternatives for aquarists at all levels of experience since they are simple and easy to care for.
The fish’s colouration is the best way to make it stand out from the rest of the aquarium. They get along with other fish in the aquarium, so you may group them together.
In contrast with its female counterpart, the male Golden Dwarf Barb is smaller and slenderer. Their copper-colored lateral stripes are also more pronounced. Neither male nor female Golden Dwarf Barbs have a white belly or throat. Both have olive-green to brownish backs.
Having iridescent gold flanks with irregular dark spots, this golden fish has a really unique appearance. It is also notable that this fish is marked with a reddish-gold longitudinal line that enlarges into a coppery marking as it matures. Besides, a pale green hue can be seen in the eyes of the Gold Least Killifish.
The length of an adult fish is between 3.5 and 4 centimeters (1.4 and 1.6 inches). A typical lifespan is two to three years.
The Gold Least Killifish has a wide range of colors and patterns depending on where it was found.

Unlike other barbs, the Gold Least Killifish is docile and easy to care for. Because it’s so little and timid, you advisably choose their tankmates wisely.
When there are several of these fish around, they become less frightened. Watching the guys show off their finest colors will be a highlight of your trip. To watch the male Gold Least Killifish fight for female attention is a lot of fun.
A big, active fish should not be housed in this species.
- Diet: a balanced diet of quality frozen and dry foods.
- Social behavior: Friendly and shoaling.
- Origin: Indian, Bangladeshi, and Pakistani.
- Size of an average adult: 1.6 to 2.0 inches.

Gold Least Killifish are very vulnerable. A well-established aquarium is an ideal place for it to live out its whole lifecycle. Gold Least Killifish flourish in oxygen-rich, slow-moving waters; therefore pure water is essential to their survival.
Floating plants and a dark substrate are the finest conditions for this fish to exhibit its best colors and health. Consequently, they may not survive very long in water that is too hot.
Gold Least Killifish can grow up to two inches long and may be kept in a 10-gallon tank with two of them. Take care to avoid overcrowding your 10-gallon tank with four or five Gold Least Killifish.
The water must be both soft and acidic. Keeping this species requires just little filtration. Select tankmates that have similar preferences for water quality.
The tank’s parameters should be:
- Temperature: 65-75 F or 18-24 C
- pH level: 6.0-7.0
- KH: 3-12 dKH
- Size of minimum tank: 10 gallons for a group of two to five fish
A heavily vegetated tank is ideal for the Golden Dwarf Barb. They are a wonderful option for creating a stunning aquascape.
To diffuse the light entering the tank, a few driftwood roots and driftwood branches will be appreciated by this tiny fish. This will give the fish a more natural feeling.
In order for this species to thrive, the tank’s filtration has to be light. If the current is swift, they may feel claustrophobic and have difficulty breathing.
A biologically immature aquarium is not a good place to keep this fish, since it may be adversely impacted by changes in water chemistry.

Best diet for the Gold Least Killifish
The Gold Least Killifish will be a welcome addition to your tank. It doesn’t have a particular preference when it comes to food. A typical carnivorous diet will extend its lifespan and improve its colour.
Everything from bloodworms, live artemia, pellets, frozen feeds and more may be included.
Freshwater fish are what these barbs are. It’s OK to keep giving them the same things, but it’s not ideal. When it has been going on for three days in a row, you must put an end to it. In order to maintain top performance, your schooling barbs must consume a wide variety of meals.
If you give them a good diet, they’ll be able to show off their vibrant colors. But appearances are merely the beginning of the story. They will become more physically fit and more agile as a result.
You may be certain that your fish will live a long time if you observe that they are swimming easily. Shrimp fry is a favorite dish of theirs. As a result, if you keep shrimp as a pet, avoid keeping them along with your Gold Least Killifish. The adult shrimp are usually ignored by them because they prefer smaller, living meals.
Don’t be fooled by its little appearance. You’ve undoubtedly heard all about how great these fish are. Another name for these creatures is a little arachnid. Well, that’s a no-brainer. Insects, worms, and plankton are some of their favorite foods.

For your micro-barb companion, you may use a combination of live and dry or frozen meals.
They are able to ingest dry meals of reasonable size on occasion. The meal may be too huge for them, but you may aid by chopping it up into bite-sized portions for them.
Artemia is a favorite of the group.
To get the greatest colour, you may choose to give them grains and flakes.
Feeding guide
The Gold Least Killifish doesn’t have a particular dietary preference; it’ll eat everything you give it. It will, however, flourish and stay vibrant if fed a diversified diet of carnivorous meals.
Because the Gold Least Killifish’s mouth is so small, you must choose its food carefully. They like to consume fresh and frozen food but also eat flakes and other dry food. Vegetables are an essential part of a well-balanced diet for them.
For the greatest color, Daphnia and Artemia, combined with high-quality flakes and pellets, should be fed on a daily basis. Providing the fish with a high-quality feed will encourage them to breed.
Breeding Guidelines

These fish lay their eggs in a haphazard fashion all around the aquarium.
They’ll eat their own eggs if they have to. As a result, mixing eggs from different groups might be dangerous.
Setting up a separate breeding aquarium may be necessary if you want the eggs to successfully mate.
Breeding tank setup
Real or fake plants can be used in your breeding tank according to your preferences.
In addition, you could prevent adult fish from eating the eggs by placing additional things at the bottom of the tank.
Differentiate the sex
The first thing you need to do is add two gold barbs to your breeding tank. During mating, males have a brighter color scheme, and their bellies are pink or red.
The female is bigger and rounder than the male. They spawn in the morning and have to be removed.
Preparing for the baby fish
The likelihood is that you’ll be performing a significant amount of babysitting. Breeding needs a great deal of focus and perseverance.
Be prepared to take care of every baby that is born or doesn’t breed.
Get yourself ready to be the primary caregiver for 150 fries. All the babies should be closely monitored by one’s self.
When it comes to hatching successfully, preparation is the most important part of the process.
Video: Gold Least Killifish
What kind of animal is a Gold Least Killifish?
There is a species of fish called the Gold Least Killifish (Pethia gelius) that belongs to the family of fishes. Both the males and the females have the same name. These fish prefer the warm temperature of the river water and the tank of a tropical river.
A Gold Least Killifish belongs to what class of animal?
Gold Least Killifish are classified as part of the Actinopterygii family, which is a part of the Chordata phylum.
What is the habitat of a Gold Least Killifish?
In the tropical seas, rivers, lakes, and muddy ponds, the Gold Least Killifish (Pethia gelius) may be found in great numbers. They may be seen dwelling amid the corals and rocks. They are a kind of freshwater species. They may also be maintained as pets in tanks with excellent ventilation for exhibition. Frozen worms are a favorite food source for them.
What is the lifespan of a Gold Least Killifish?
If they are provided with nutritious food, whether in tanks or rivers, Gold Least Killifish has a lifetime of around four to five years.

Annette M. Chaney is an experienced marine biologist with over 20 years of experience as an aquarist and fishkeeper. She started her first aquarium at a young age, filling it with frogs and goldfish obtained from the ten-cent pet store.
Annette grew up caring for and breeding African Cichlids, which led to a hobby in high school that doubled as a profitable means. Attending Reed College gave her time to solidify herself as an accomplished aquarium caretaker with an eye for sales. After that, from 2009 – 2013, she studied at Roger Williams University – one of the most prestigious universities for Aquaculture and Aquarium in USA. She is the founder of AquariumCircle since 2010.